• Sennen no Nemuri 750ml


    Size: 750 ml

    Type of Shochu: Otsu Rui

    Main Ingredient: Barley (MUGI)

    Alcohol: 40

    Distillery Location: Fukuoka Prefecture

    Food Pairings: Strongly Seasoned Dishes, Meat Dishes, Kyushu-style Cuisine

    Tasting Notes: Aged 3-8 years, Sennen no Nemuri has an elegant and refined vanilla aroma and a mild, deep flavor that leaves a fine aftertaste. Creamy and thick mouthfeel and excellent on the rocks.

    Awards: Monde Selection Gold Award, 16 times since 1999

    Distillery: Shinozaki (founded: Edo Period)

    The Shinozaki Company exists to challenge the conventions of flavor and make a different kind of product, and they age their shochu in Kashi Taru (White Oak Barrels).
