• Kubota Senju 720ml


    Size:  720 ml

    Class: Ginjo

    Rice: Gohyakumangoku

    Rice-Polishing Ratio: Koji:50% Kake:55%

    Brewery Location: Niigata Prefecture

    Food Pairings: Fried Chicken, Yakiniku BBQ, Kimchi Hotpot

    Tasting Notes: Aiming for a Sake that can be enjoyed with a meal, Kubota Senju boasts a modest bouquet and a timeless flavor that one does not tire of drinking. Velvety mouthfeel and excellent chilled, but this Ginjo is quite amicable to being enjoyed warmed as well.

      Asahi Brewery (founded: 1830)

    Established in 1830 with the motto of "quality first". Brewing sake is making rice. Not only do they focus on obtaining high quality sake rice, they dedicate time and effort in their labs to increase said rice's quality. Their efforts do not stop there however - in order to help sustain the environment, they implement the ISO14000 system of environmental sustainability, and also participate in various activities to preserve their natural surroundings. Additionally, they hold tea ceremonies, concerts, and cultural events for the local community. The goal is to make a fun, sustainable, and ultimately enjoyable environment with sake.
