• Hakutake Shiro 750ml


    Size: 750 ml

    Type of Shochu: Otsu Rui

    Main Ingredient: Rice (KOME)

    Alcohol: 25

    Distillery Location: Kumamoto Prefecture

    Food Pairings: Pairs easily with many dishes, and brings out the flavor of companion ingredients.  

    Tasting Notes: The #1 sellling premium rice shochu in Japan - Hakutake Shiro Kome Shochu - is clean and easy with an elegant aroma and a soft mouthfeel. Takahashi Shuzo makes it with water from the Hitoyoshi basin, which is high in minerals, and flavorful rice.  Makes a perfect low-calorie vodka replacement in cocktails.

    Distillery: Takahashi Shuzo (Founded: 1900)

    Takahashi Shuzo, established in Meiji 33 (1900) does not make your Run of the Mill Kome Shochu. They believe their Shochu carries the tradition and flavors of 400 years, and they are recognized as the standard of all Kumamoto Shochu, which is the center of Japan for Kome Shochu. Using only the most carefully selected rice, clean Kumamoto water, and their own capable hands and traditions, they work to create the best Kome Shochu possible.
